Friday, August 31, 2007

R is for Really Tired

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Q is for Question
Can you beat my detested spouse garment?

Yes that is paint. Yes those are holes. Yes that is unoxy-cleanable, unbleachable, impenetrable dirt. And yes, he wears them. Every. Day. It must be love.

Monday, August 27, 2007

P is for Piggy Bank

Before 8:17 this morning Luke had lobbed a honeydew melon across the kitchen floor, landing in a ploopy mess, Leila had slathered my face cream on her legs and written with pen on our semi-freshly painted living room walls. A little more thankful for your kids now?

Happy Monday everyone!

Friday, August 24, 2007

O is for Opportunity

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

N is for Neighborhood

What I love about ours.
  • We have the best neighbors in the whole world. The ones on our right we never hear and the ones on our left are like a sweet uncle and aunt to Luke and Leila and already dear friends to us. They've sent over gifts for the children, home-made cakes, the most amazing Christmas baskets and just last week, 16 flower seedlings in pots:

What a touching gift.
(Not that it's all about gifts of course -- they truly are the best.)
  • Our city as a whole has huge plans for growth, lofts being built, roads widened and beautification aplenty.
  • Our street has over hanging trees that provide just enough shade.
  • Most of the houses on our street were built in the 20's.
  • Our city has an interesting history and a pretty fun new art district.
  • Our city is still about the cheapest in insanely expensive OC.
What are your favorite things about your neighborhood?

Monday, August 20, 2007

M is for Monavie

  • Crown jewel of Monavie is the Acai Berry.
  • The acai has more than 10 times the antioxidant power of cranberries.
  • Helps build a strong body by providing protein: Proteins are the primary component of some hormones and many body tissues, including muscles and organs. Proteins also make up the outer layers of hair, nails and skin. Acai has more proteins than an average egg.
  • Strengthens bones: Acai contains glucosamine, a building block of cartilage and Celadrin, which helps cushion cushion joints and support membranes.
  • Muscle contractions and regeneration: Acai's mix of essential amino acids and trace minerals are vial for strength and recovery after strenuous activity.
  • Increases energy and stamina: Acai's nutrients, including a large amount of natural lipids, provide needed energy to tackle competitive sports and daily chores.
  • Stress relief.
  • Improves sexual health: Acai's antiflammatory and antioxidant properties can counter infertility due to stress, pollution and factors related to free radicals.
  • A potent anti-aging food; The regernerative nutrients and strong antioxidants in acai keep cells operating optimally and may slow aging.
  • May help prevent causes of heart disease.
  • Weight Control: It's low glycemic index improves glucose and lipid levels.
  • And it tastes delicious! If you'd like a sample...let me know.
  • Where it comes from.
  • More info.
  • Still more info.

Friday, August 17, 2007

L is for Lemon
Lemons made their way to the United States with the help of Catholic Missionaries and were planted in Arizona and California. Today Arizona and California produces virtually all of the lemons consumed in the United States as well as about one-third of those used throughout the world.

So, high hopes:

The Band

K is for Kaleidescope

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

J is for Jumpin' Jimmini Jehoshaphat

Monday, August 13, 2007

I is for Impossible Possibilities

Yeah, it looks pretty dead to me too.
But look closer...

Do you see the beautiful green?
Things aren't always as they seem.
I could give up on this little guy or I can be happy for the small signs of blossoming.
Just like with Luke.

Friday, August 10, 2007

H is for

Music One
Family Fun
Music Two
Music Three
Online Reading Library
More Online Books
Make a Custom T Shirt
Chocolate Recipes
And more chocolate recipes

As we were driving down the road today Leila said, "Well, see the problem is Gina..."
I was laughing so hard I didn't hear the rest.

G is for Gift Guide at a Glance
in completely random order
Find Gift
Dean and DeLuca
Uncommon Goods
Swell - surf gear
Red Envelope
ShopBop - if you dare.
Soft Surroundings (and outlet)
Paiva - women's fitness wear
Photo books from Shutterfly
Remember Hickory Farms?
Godiva, of course
British DVD's at
David's Cookies
Urban Outfitters
Gorton's Fresh Seafood
Stonewall Kitchen
Uptown Prime
Dale and Thomas
Fine Stationary
Boston Proper
The Body Shop
Lillian Vernon is still around
The Popcorn Factory
Delightful Deliveries
Lobster Gram
Bass Pro Shops - all things fishing, hunting and camping
Casual Living
Ann Taylor Loft
Sunglasses Hut
Music 123 - musical instruments
Beyond Blossoms (love their presentation)
Spa Finder (Hmm, Rob? Could this be a hint?? Hmmm)
Mrs. Fields
Blue Nile
One Share (interesting gift concept)
Just Because Baskets
Bailey, Banks and Biddle
The Sharper Image
One Step Ahead
Leaps and Bounds
Secret Spoon
One Stop Plus - for big and tall
Smart Bargains
Harry and David
Flying Noodle
Cheesy Club Memberships
( BBQ, Beer, Cake, Candle, Cheese, Cheesecake, Chocolate, Coffee, Cookie, Dessert, Dinner, Dinner/Movie, Flower, Fruit, Hot Sauce, Ice Cream, Lobster, Neck Tie, Olive Oil, Pasta, Salsa, Steak, Tea, Teddy Bear or Wine.)
Bake Me A Wish
Her Room Lingerie

Signature Days
Carol Wright is always fun
My Wines Direct
Entertainment Book
Mrs. Beasley's
Bits and Pieces
The Paragon
Things Remembered
Franklin Covey
Pfaelzer Brothers
Cherry Moon
The Children's Place
Victoria's Secret
Joann's - all things crafty
Charles T (where Rob shops)
Baby Center
Land's End
Sensational Beginnings
The Apple Store - give the gift of a babysitter
Folica - beauty supply
Wrapables - bed linens
Kid's Furniture
Scholastic Books
Mercantila - products for home
Coldwater Creek
French Toast - school uniforms
The Baby Outlet
Encyclopedia Britannica
Discovery Channel Store
Ralph Lauren
Banana Republic
Posh Tots
iSeeMe - Personalized Children's Books
Robeez - Cute baby shoes

Thursday, August 09, 2007

F is for Fancy Feet

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

D is for Dance

"Dance isn't a form it's a way of life." ~anonymous

"Dancers are the athletes of God." Albert Einstein

"To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking." ~Agnes De Mille

"If dancing were any easier it would be called football." ~anonymous

Monday, August 06, 2007

C is for Cake

  • My mom made the best chocolate cake when I was growing up called Texas Sheet Cake. It was a cross between deep rich cake and a luscious brownie. Then she'd top it with fudge icing. I liked it best a little warm with a dollop of melting vanilla ice cream. Never have tasted a cake I like more.
  • My sister-in-law makes incredible detailed birthday cakes for all her kids' birthdays and for most all special occasions in our family. I tried to make a soccer ball cake for Luke's first birthday and it was a disaster.
  • Do you think you can have your cake and eat it too?

Sunday, August 05, 2007

B is for Believe.

I believe ...
  • that because of the unending series of snafu's that stood in the way, the video project (16 hours and $50 later) of this week was just not ever supposed to happen and I may never know why but I'll not question any longer.
  • hoping for the best but preparing for the worst might be a healthy approach to the unknown. Even when I think of Luke's future.
  • that one can only be happy once they've learned to be be truly grateful for what they have right now.
  • there is one God who sent his Son so that we might have life everlasting and that He loves us more than we can ever dream or hope to be loved.
  • the root of much unhappiness is comparison. We compare our insides to other people's outsides. We'd be surprised if we could take a peek inside.
  • some women kiss a man and turn him into a frog. Another woman can kiss that same man and turn him into a prince.
  • I love our new lemon trees even though they are minuscule.
  • this life is but a vapor and that one day we'll all realize it is what comes next that is most important.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Child Like Adult

I'm participating in the Encyclopedia of Me Meme over at Bella Dia. Come join us.

A is for Adult
The older I get the more I realize I'll always feel 10 inside.
The desire to rollick and run doesn't go away.
I'm thinking not anyway as it hasn't faded.
I'm just more aware of how silly I'd look.
But the child gave way to an adult with obligations.
With the scariness and realities of imperfect life.
The adult wants the side-splitting carefree laughter back.
Adult is too final.
I refuse to be an adult without dragging along that little girl I was.
Serious doesn't work for me. Responsible (most of the time), sure.
But as I think about this word I chose I'm challenging myself to question it's meaning.
Being adult means being mature enough to laugh at myself. To laugh at my be happy despite and through them...

A is for Adult.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

And Eyore has been a good sport

  • Was involved in a computer-time devouring project but whew it's finished.
  • Baby cheeks at four:

  • We're all about tea parties right now:

With lots of cookies: